Organisational Unit Preferences
These preferences are OU specific and affect only the records or processes found within the OU selected. This makes each OU semi-autonomous and it can be customised to each department’s requirements.
It is possible to copy preferences from one OU to others. Instructions are provided in this section:
Preferences are grouped into the following sections (clicking any of the links below will jump to the relevant section):
- Preferences by Section
- Change Management Settings
- Cover Pages
- Document Control
- Document Review Settings
- Index Generation
- Index ID Settings
- Internal Audit Settings
- Menu/Tabs Translations (only for Site/Facility Admins)
- Non Compliance Settings
- Review Feedback
- Risk Assessment Settings
- Skilled task settings
- Standards
- Summary Report
- Task Escalation Settings
- Watermarks: Controlled Documents
- Includes:
- Watermarks: Bench SOP
- Watermarks: COSHH Documents
- Watermarks: Documents
- Watermarks: External Documents
- Watermarks: Health and Safety Documents
- Watermarks: Job Descriptions
- Watermarks: Policies
- Watermarks: SOPs
- Includes:
Copying Preferences from One Organisational Unit to Others
Settings can be copied from any or all of the sections listed above to any other OUs in the account.
To copy settings from one organisational unit to others:
- Navigate to Administration > Settings > Organisational Unit Preferences
- Select the source OU, from which information will be copied, in the field, Organisational Unit
(Only OUs in which the user has the permission, ‘Organisational Units:Manage Settings’ will be listed.) - Select the preference section(s) to be copied by ticking their checkbox in the lefthand column
(Ticking the checkbox in the header area selects all sections. When any checkbox is selected, the button, ‘Copy Preferences To’ appears.) - In the pop-up window which appears, confirm the source OU and preference sections selected
- Click the arrow next to the item, ‘Account’, to expand the list of available OUs in the field, Please select the destination OU(s)
(Only OUs in which the user has the permission, ‘Organisational Units:Manage Settings’ will be listed.) - Select any OUs to which information should be copied
(Selecting ‘Account’ will select all OUs listed.) - Click Copy Preferences to complete the operation
Note |
Preferences by Section
Change Management Settings
This section allows selecting who should be informed when an external change control request is submitted to their OU. It also allows defining a list of users who will be tasked with performing the triage of the incoming request. Once one of the users completes the triage, the tasks become invalid for the rest of the triage team.
There are also some security settings for the PDF copies of any printed change control projects.
To set up the users responsible for receiving new Change Control requests in a given OU:
- Navigate to Administration > Settings > Organisational Unit Preferences
- Select the relevant OU from the dropdown menu, Organisational Unit
- Click in the Change Management Settings row to open that tab
- Click in the field, Users to be notified of externally reported Change Requests
- Enter (even partially) the names of users to add or scroll down the list to find them
- Click the name in the dropdown list to select it (once added, the name should appear in the field with an “X” next to it, which allows removing it)
and then, to select the triage team:
- Click in the field, Triage Users
- Enter (even partially) the names of users to add or scroll down the list to find them
- Click the name in the dropdown list to select it (once added, the name should appear in the field with an “X” next to it, which allows removing it)
The Triage Team (Triage Users) is only responsible for new Change Control requests submitted to its OU.
When a new form is submitted all members of the triage team will be tasked to triage the change control request. Only one person may actually perform the triage and once completed, any tasks for other team members will be automatically invalidated.
It is not necessary to set up a triage team. Any user with permission to edit change control records (in the record’s OU) can triage new records, they just will not receive ‘Change Control Triage’ tasks when new requests are submitted.
Cover Pages
The cover pages setting allows a user to link existing cover page PDF documents. These are added to the system through the Cover Pages sub-menu option, found within Administration -> Cover Pages.
For full details of creating and editing cover pages please refer to the Cover Pages user guide.
The OU should be selected from the Organisation Unit drop down menu at the top of the page. Once this is selected, select the cover page to be used for each of the documents. Each record can have their own cover page.
Document Control
There are some important preferences on this settings page; they are grouped into four sections - authorisation, document access, printing and general document control settings.
Authorisation Settings
- Pin and Signature required for authorising…. - This series of preferences allows admin to determine whether a PIN number is required when authorising any of the controlled document types. If this is active/checked, then a user is required to enter their PIN (set in the My Profile > Change Password or PIN tab) when attempting to authorise the controlled document. The document cannot be authorised until a PIN is entered which matches the one stored with the user.
Tip |
Setting a PIN in the My Profile area: Navigate to My Profile (link in left side bar) and click the tab Change Password or Pin |
Document access controls
- Allow a user assigned an Authorisation Request to authorise the document regardless of their permissions. - if this preference is enabled, users requested to authorise a document will automatically be given permission to do so, regardless of whether they have the corresponding ‘authorise’ permission in the OU where the document resides
Info |
This preference is only really relevant when publishing workflows are used. Any user can be selected as an authoriser in a publishing workflow, normally designed and controlled by administrators. On the other hand, when an editor (for example) requests authorisation of a document, only the users with permission to authorise that document will be listed as eligible authorisers. |
- Allow Document Owners to perform any action on their documents, regardless of permissions - this preference is enabled by default, which means that document owners can do anything with their own documents, down to authorising them. If this option is unchecked, document owners will only have the permissions they have been granted through user group membership to manage documents they own.
- Allow users with a skilled task to view authorised controlled documents without explicit permissions - when this preference is enabled, a user will be able to view any authorised documents for which they have been assigned a skill confirmation task (reading assignment), regardless of the access they have through user groups
- Enable sharing Controlled Documents in this OU - by enabling this preference, users with appropriate permissions can share documents from this OU with other OUs or individuals
Printing Settings
- “Include Authorisation Sheet” selected by default - this setting defines the default state of the ‘Include Authorisation Sheet’ checkbox in “Print Controlled Document” pop-up window
- “Print Appendix” selected by default - this setting defines the default state of the ‘Print appendix’ checkbox in “Print Controlled Document” pop-up window
- “Print Cover Page” selected by default - this setting defines the default state of the ‘Print cover page’ checkbox in “Print Controlled Document” pop-up window
- “Print Introduction/Scope as separate page” selected by default - this setting defines the default state of the ‘Print introduction/scope as separate page' checkbox in the “Print Controlled Document” pop-up window
- Allow uncontrolled prints of… - This series of preferences allows admin to print ‘forms’ from each of the controlled document types. With this preference active/checked, a user can select that the print does not need to be recovered should a new version be created. This allows a user to print documents that would not normally be destroyed should a new version be created.
Tip When the settings to allow uncontrolled prints are enabled, a checkbox becomes available in the print/download lightboxes (within that particular OU): - Controlled Prints - Prevent editing of the PDF - Downloaded PDFs will carry settings to prevent them from being edited
- Controlled Prints - Prevent form filling or annotations of the PDF - Downloaded PDFs will carry settings to prevent the ability to complete forms contained within them or adding annotations with a PDF editor
- Controlled Prints - Prevent printing or copying the contents of the PDF - Downloaded PDFs will carry settings to prevent content being copied from them
- Disable page numbering for all document prints - when this option is ticked, the system will not add page numbers to prints; this allows for page numbers to be added externally instead
- Disable Preview printing - allows admin to choose whether users can print the controlled document PDFs they are previewing or not; this does not stop users from downloading a PDF uncontrolled copy of the document
- Enable Controlled Print Flag by Default When Downloading Files Without a Preview - If the preferences above, “Allow uncontrolled prints of…” are enabled, the default setting of the option, “This download should be controlled” can be toggled here. The option to control downloads so they can be tracked, appears when downloading files that can’t be previewed online, as shown in the image under, “Allow uncontrolled prints of…”.
- Include the documents title in the filename of prints - The filename of PDF files delivered when a document is printed only includes the index and the version, to keep the path short. The title of the document can be included in the filename if this preference is enabled.
- Require a reason for uncontrolled file downloads - this preference defines whether a Reason should be entered to permit downloading a file when uncontrolled prints are allowed and the checkbox, “This download should be controlled?” is ticked (please refer to “Allow uncontrolled prints of…” above)
Note |
Disabling the two options, ‘Enable Controlled Print Flag by Default When Downloading Files Without a Preview’ and ‘Require a reason for uncontrolled file downloads’ is particularly useful when documents which cannot be previewed in iPassport (such as Excel files) are frequently downloaded but don’t need to be tracked like controlled prints. |
- A Document Owner must be set when creating a new document - Having document owners helps ensure documents don’t get ignored when they require attention, by having at least one person appointed to be notified of any intervention required. To promote the use of document owners when staff create documents, this preference can be enabled so it is a requirement.
- Disable verification step for the document reviews - allows admin to choose if the verification step is required when performing a peer review within the selected OU. Activating this preference removes the verification step, so that when a peer review has been accepted or rejected by the author, the workflow closes.
- Enable ‘Document Correction’ (formerly known as, Allow minor change for that OU) - allows admin to determine whether document corrections are permitted or not. With this active/checked, it is possible for users with suitable permissions to make adjustments to authorised controlled documents without having to create a new version. This preference controls the action, ‘Document Correction’ for all controlled documents in the OU.
- Enable online document editing - this preference switches on the ability to edit documents within iPassport when they are in draft state; the ‘Edit Document’ button becomes visible next to the screen preview of the document
- Use Major and Minor Document Versioning - enabling this preference allows choosing whether a new version of a document should be a major or minor revision, as defined in the “Versioning: …” sections of System Preferences; if the preference is unticked, new versions will only grow in ‘Major Version Increments’
Note |
These are all OU specific options so if a user chooses to enable them for their OU, other OUs will not be affected. |
Document Control Preferences in an OU named, Histology:
Document Review Settings
The document review settings page is divided into 7 sections, one for each type of document (e.g., COSHH, Document, Policy, etc.) Each section includes fields to set default controlled document workflows, to enforce and lock the workflows on existing and new documents, and to determine when documents’ review cycle should start, prior to their review due date.
The emails corresponding to both tasks and notifications relating to document reviews can be controlled by each user in their My Profile > Preferences area. Please refer to the section, Controlled Document Notifications of the user guide, Personal Preference Management for information about this.
Default Workflows
Document review workflows and publishing workflows are created by navigating to Administration > Workflows; please refer to the user guide, Workflows for details about creating and linking them to specific Organisational Units. If a workflow is available, it will be listed when clicking the field of any of the types of documents (e.g., Default workflow for documents of type Policy in this OU). Different workflows can be assigned to each type of document and once one is declared, any newly created documents will automatically adopt it.
Locking Workflows
In addition, the chosen workflows can be locked to the named type of document in the selected OU. By ticking the checkbox next to the preferences, “Lock the selected publishing/review workflow for…”, all existing and future documents of the same type and in the same OU will be assigned the chosen workflow. Workflows which are in progress at the time will be restarted and users will be prevented from changing the workflow selection in the Controlled Documents search area or within the document records.
Review Window Settings
Each type of document in each OU can have a different ‘review window’, which is set by adjusting the value in the fields provided. For example, if the field, “Mark Policies as due for review this many days before review date:” is set to 10 and a policy in this OU is due for review on the 20th of November, relevant notifications and review feedback tasks will be issued on the 10th of November.
To change the values, click the relevant field and type the new number of days notice required. The default is for review tasks to be issued 30 days before the review is due.
Changing Document Review Settings
Assigning and locking workflows in this area is a one way process. When the lock is removed, workflows will remain assigned to the documents they had been enforced upon. This is because the system cannot guess what the intentions are for each document so once unlocked, it will be possible to change the workflows but it will be left to the users to decide what changes to make.
For example, a workflow might be unlocked by someone who only wishes to change the workflow on a few documents in that OU.
Index Generation
The Index Generation settings page allows admin to design their own index ‘recipe’ for records that offer automatic index generation.
The variety of records included can be viewed in the image below:
Note |
The automatic index generation process is applied by default when the manual option is ignored at the time the record is being created. An index is automatically prepared but a user can choose to override the system’s index by clicking the cog icon (next to the Index field in the record creation page) and entering a different index. In all cases, each index has to be unique across all OUs and the system will validate it before allowing it. |
Changing from manual to auto index
A manually created index can be replaced with a system generated index, as long as the record can still be edited and a pencil icon shows next to the index field.
To add a system generated index:
- Click the edit pencil icon next to the Index field
- Replace the existing index with the text, “Auto Generate”
- Click Save
A new index, prepared with the recipe set in this section, should display.
Designing an Index ‘recipe’
An index can be built by combining variables with static text.
The following variables are available:
Index | Description |
%day | the current day |
%month | the current month |
%year | the current year |
%id* | the number of the record (generated by the system) |
%ou | the name of the Organisational Unit that contains the record |
These options can be used with controlled documents:
Index | Description |
%section | the document’s section |
%category | the document’s category |
* The number (%id) is generated sequentially in each OU so that each index is unique, following the settings applied for the ‘Index Creation Method’ (please see below). Numbers can be repeated as long as the index as a whole is different from indices which use the same number.
The field, ‘Index Creation Method’ allows three options for the selection of the next number applied to an automatically generated index:
- ‘Legacy’: This is the legacy option which generates indices in the way they were always generated prior to release v3.6.10, which may often result in missing ID numbers. The system doesn’t search for skipped numbers when a recipe is unique, but uses the next available number from all indices for the same type of record in the same OU.
- ‘Sequential’: This strategy assigns indices in sequence, filling any gaps. If there are skipped numbers in groups of indices where everything else but the number (’%id’) is the same, the system will generate new indices to fill those gaps. For example, with existing indices, ‘LAB-31’ and ‘LAB-33’, the next generated index would be, ‘LAB-32’.
Note |
Please note, the minimum ID number used is based off the the number declared in the 'Index ID settings'. |
- ‘Numerical’: This strategy doesn’t fill gaps. New entries are automatically assigned the next number after the highest number in the group of indices where everything else but the number (’%id’) is the same. For example, with existing indices, ‘LAB-31’ and ‘LAB-33’, the next generated index would be, ‘LAB-34’, ignoring the gap.
Please see additional information in the section, Index ID Settings.
Any static text can be used in conjunction with variables. However, there is a total limit of 255 characters for any generated index.
If sections (’%section’) are used in the recipe and the documents include more than one section, the index generator will only use the oldest section selected (when created as a ‘Location’).
Here are some examples of recipes and what the index could look like:
Index recipe | Example Index Generated |
%year-%month-%day Incident-%id | 2020-02-20 Incident-36 |
%ou %id | BIO 37 |
%ou_%category_%id | LAB_Patient Form_38 |
%id | 38 |
Index ID Settings
The Index ID Settings page allows admin to input the value they would like each type of record’s index number to start counting from. By default, the system automatically generates an index for every new document, following the rules set in the Index Generation section. If the variable, %id is used there, a sequential number will be assigned in the index. This number will normally start counting from “1” but a different starting number can be declared in this section.
A user can choose to add a different index manually, by clicking on the cog icon next to the index field in the record creation page. In this case and also when an index is automatically generated, the system will check that it hasn’t already been used. When it’s automatically generated and the number has already been used, the system will try to assign the next number up, in increments of “1”.
The counter works independently for every OU but every index has to be unique in the whole account. It’s therefore recommended that the index generation ‘recipe’ includes a differentiating variable, like %ou.
As an example, suppose an account has the two OUs, Biochemistry (BIO) and Virology (VIR):
- If the index ‘recipe’ uses the default variables, %ou %id and supposing the documents, “BIO 56” and “VIR 55” exist, then the next Virology index number would be, “VIR 56”.
- If the index ‘recipe’ uses the variable %id with a static text like “Lab Doc” in both OUs and supposing there is a document with index, “Lab Doc 56” in the Biochemistry OU and one with index, “Lab Doc 55” in the Virology OU, the next Virology index number would have to skip to, “Lab Doc 57”.
Internal Audit Settings
There is only one preference in this section.
When enabled, it allows closing ‘Internal Audits’ when related non-compliances are still awaiting resolution. The following message appears when triggering ‘Set as Completed’ from the Actions dropdown menu within an internal audit record.
Disabling this preference will prevent internal audits from being marked as completed if they have any outstanding non-compliances.
Menu/Tabs Translations (only for Site/Facility Admins)
The names/titles of menus and tabs can be edited to suit the organiszation’s language. For example, the menu, “Laboratory Records” can be edited to say, “Documentation” or the sub-menu, “Non-Compliances” can be changed to say, “Non Conformances”.
This section is only available to Site Admins (please see info about Site Admins below). When they open the page, they’ll find a list of the names of menus and tabs which can be edited. Clicking the pencil icon in the Actions column opens a pop-up window where the respective item can be edited.
This page is different from the other Organisational Unit Preferences; it has no ‘Cancel/Save’ buttons at the bottom. Once a label is edited, it will immediately appear that way in the iPassport menus. However, it is necessary to refresh the page by either using the browser’s refresh button or by logging out and back in again.
Please note:
- These changes will only be displayed in the OU where they are made.
- Only users whose Home OU it is will see the changed labels.
- The changes only apply in the menu label and not in the other places where the term is used.
Site Admins
Note |
NOTE ABOUT SITE ADMINS: It is strongly recommended that each account has at least one Site Admin. They are automatically granted access to all areas of iPassport, regardless of their user group membership. This includes privileges no one else has, like viewing the ‘Suppressed Emails’ tab and accessing private records whose owner has left the organisation and which would otherwise be locked. Site Admins can also save the day if an OU gets accidentally detached from user groups in such a way that no one else can see it. The first Site Admin can only be appointed by the iPassport support team ([email protected]). This person can then add other users to the list of Site Admins. |
Non Compliance Settings
If a non compliance is entered via the external form then a notification will be set to the distribution list selected.
Review Feedback
A list of managers can be assigned to verify document change requests generated in a document review process. The verification step needs to be enabled as described above (please see Disable verification step for the document reviews). The managers selected to perform this job must be grouped in a Distribution List which must be of the type ‘Review Verifier’. Each type of document can have a different distribution list assigned.
When a change request is approved, a task will automatically be generated for the verifiers in the distribution list. Once one of the verifiers on the list completes the task, the other verifiers’ tasks will be invalidated.
Note |
To create a distribution list of review verifiers:
Then, in the newly created record which opens,
Risk Assessment Settings
Every Organisational Unit can have it’s own Risk Assessment matrix, based on a customisable set of ‘Risk Consequences’ and ‘Risk Likelihoods’. The matrix is added to every new Change Control request, where Risk Scores are then calculated by either adding or multiplying (according to user preferences) the consequence and likelihood values selected.
The ‘Risk Assessments Settings’ page has some basic settings in the top section, a middle section to enter all the parameters and a bottom section where you can preview what the risk matrix will look like.
The names, ‘Risk Consequence’ and ‘Risk Likelihood’ can be changed as required in the fields provided.
Note |
Please note that the terms, Risk Impact and Risk Mitigation are used in other fields. |
The Risk Score calculation method can be adjusted by clicking the field, Select how risk consequences and likelihoods are used to calculate the risk score.
The choices are addition or multiplication.
The Save button must be clicked before navigating away from the page or changes will be lost.
Any changes made will only apply to new change control records. A snapshot of the risk matrix is taken when the record is created so the matrix can’t be changed on an existing change control record.
Editing a Risk Matrix
Default labels and values are provided for each OU to have a starting point in case any Change Control requests are created before the risk assessment settings are configured. These can be edited to suit the requirements of each department.
The risk matrix consists of a set of Risk Consequence levels laid out horizontally (x-axis) against a set of Risk Likelihood levels stacked up vertically (y-axis). The largest value of each of these is used to calculate the maximum Risk Score.
For example, if the highest Risk Consequence and Risk Likelihood values are set to “10” and addition is selected, the highest Risk Score will have to be “20”; if multiplication is selected, the highest Risk Score will have to be set to “100”.
Note |
The Risk Matrix in a Change Control Record
![]() |
Both the risk consequences and risk likelihoods should be set in bands, spreading the scores across the range of risks. The names, scores and colour of each band can be edited and previewed until the desired matrix is accomplished.
To configure Risk Consequence Scores and Risk Likelihood Scores:
- Click the appropriate button (Configure Risk Consequences or Configure Risk Likelihoods)
- In the pop-up window that opens, click, [+]Add Risk Consequences or [+]Add Risk Likelihoods to add a new item in the corresponding section (the area expands to provide extra fields)
- Enter a Name in the field provided
- Enter a Maximum Score in the next field
- Select a Colour from the dropdown menu supplied
- Click Create Risk Consequences/Create Risk Likelihoods to complete the creation of a new item (the area collapses again)
- To edit any field, click the (edit) pencil icon in the Actions column (the area expands again to provide the same fields as above)
- To delete any item, click the (delete) trash/bin icon in the Actions column
To configure the Risk Score, the same steps apply but some calculation is required:
- The scores must take the type of operation (addition or multiplication) into account.
- The highest risk score should equal the product (either by adding or multiplying) of the highest likelihood score and the highest consequence score.
- If the product is higher than the maximum risk score, a top right portion of cells in the risk matrix will not have values (N/A).
To illustrate, the matrix below uses multiplication and has highest consequence and likelihood scores of “5”. The highest risk score has been set to “10” (where it should have been “25”): - If the product is lower than the maximum risk score, not all the risk levels will make it into the matrix.
The matrix below uses addition and has highest consequence and likelihood scores of “5”. The highest risk score has been set to “25” (where it should have been “10”):
When the parameters have been edited, the risk matrix can be redrawn by clicking the ? refresh button above it, on the right.
Skilled task settings
The skilled task setting page contains a number of items that relate to the whole skilled process.
- ‘Issue new Task for re-issued skills’ - This creates new tasks when a skilled task is re-issued; this in turn invalidates the existing task. If this option is not selected then the system simply sends a reminder to the user when a skilled event is re-issued.
- ‘Reissue skilled tasks only on Major revision’ - This option allows admin to choose when to send a new skill confirmation task out. By default this item is not selected, which means iPassport sends a new skilled task for each document revision be that major or minor. With the option selected, iPassport only automatically issues a new skilled task on major revisions.
- ‘Require verification of skills from user with tasks’ - When activated for the OU this requires that all skilled task events created with a task should be verified via the skill management area. This option applies to all controlled documents with associated skills within the OU.
- ‘Require verification of skills from user without tasks’ - When activated this requires the verification of all skills marked as completed that were not created via a skilled task. As such this only refers to those skill events created as Trained (not issuing a task). This task does not control the normal skilled task process. It can be used whenever a staff member is signed off as trained to add supporting evidence if needed.
- ‘Set skilled tasks’ due date to be the same as a release date if document is Pending Release’ - This option works in conjunction with the pending release feature/ delayed release which allows all skilled tasks associated with it to have their due date set as the date of the release of the controlled document. This is especially useful if trying to keep track of staff that completed the skilled task on time.
- ‘Skill Verification Summary Email’ - determines how often verifiers will receive reminders of outstanding verifications.
- ‘Time interval for Due Date on system reissued skilled tasks’ - When a skilled task is sent by the system as part of the automatic reissue interval it is possible to set the Due Date of this which is the number of days after issue when it should be completed.
- ‘Time interval for reissuing skilled tasks for … document type’ - This allows the system to operate independently. Setting an automatic reissue interval means that if no changes occur (new versions) and no compulsory reviews happen, iPassport will automatically contact the users on the list again with a new skilled task. This is set as a day countdown. For example, if the time interval is set at 365d this means that 365 days after the skill was completed, if no further action is taken, iPassport will send another task in 365 days. If after say 360 days the document is reviewed and a new version created iPassport simply starts is countdown again.
The Standards settings allows admin to choose what standard statuses are available for use within their iPassport QMS. If all options were activated then admin would be able to assign any one of them to a standard. Should they be deactivated, then that status would not be available for selection. Any setting(s) that is deactivated are also not visible within the list of standards, but any set before the change can be found in the standard search.
This is an OU specific option, which allows OUs to manage their own standards without complications.
Summary Report
The summary setting allows a user (only one per OU) to receive a summary email on a daily basis of all task activity within the selected OU. In order to receive this email, an email address needs to be added into the ‘Email address to send summary to’ field and the ‘Send daily summary via email of tasks for this department’ field needs to be activated/checked.
Task Escalation Settings
Key users can be set to be notified when staff under their supervision have overdue tasks. Different users can be appointed for different types of tasks. The time between the task becoming overdue and then escalated can be set separately for each type of task too. For details, please refer to the user guide, Task Escalation Settings.
Watermarks: Controlled Documents
The combined Watermark Preferences cover each type of controlled document on the system; the example used here is for SOPs.
The watermark preference allows admin to customise the watermarks used on a controlled document type within a given OU. This overrides any default watermarks set under System Preferences > Default Watermarks.
Note |
It is important to note that it is not possible to include images within the watermarks. The watermark preferences cover the following scenarios: Controlled Print
Each of these three scenarios is used for each controlled document status e.g., Draft, Authorised, and for each controlled document type, e.g., SOP, Policy. |
Next step:
The next article covers Sytem Preferences
Previous step:
The previous article covers System Settings Management
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