System Emails

Modified on Mon, 15 Jan, 2024 at 4:35 PM

System Generated Emails 

iPassport relies on emails to notify users of changes or updates to records they are involved in and of tasks which have been assigned to them. It can sometimes be difficult to identify the nature of emails or to know if one should be expected as a result of an action. This article provides a list of all the events that generate an email within the system.

They are organised by module and type of event.

Some emails can be controlled by the recipient in the Personal Preferences area. These preferences are listed when one is available.

General emails - User account related

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Welcome to your new account!When a user is addedThe user who is added
[iPassport] Two Step Authentication CodeWhen a two factor code is requiredThe user requesting the code
[iPassport]  account has been lockedWhen a user has failed to login the maximum amount of times and their login becomes lockedAccount Admin
[iPassport] Your account has been lockedWhen a user has failed to login the maximum amount of times and their login becomes lockedThe user who’s login has been locked
[iPassport] Password resetWhen resetting a users password via their profileThe users who’s password has been reset

General emails - Task related

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Overdue Tasks Escalation SummaryDependent on preference (daily / weekly /monthly)Users set in OU preference for task escalationTask Escalation Summary
[iPassport] Task Summary for < ou name >DailyUser set in OU preference: ‘Email address to send summary to’Send daily summary via email of tasks for this department
[iPassport] Task summaryDependent on preferenceAll users with not complete tasksTask Reminder Summary
[iPassport] Task CreationWhen a pending task is createdCC users for the taskNotify me of new tasks I have been copied into
[iPassport] Task CreationWhen a pending task is createdThe user who the task is assigned toNotify me of new tasks assigned to me
[iPassport] Task UpdateWhen a pending task is editedThe task creatorNotify me when a pending task I created is modified
[iPassport] Task UpdateWhen a pending task is editedCC users for the taskNotify me when a pending task I have been copied into is modified
[iPassport] Task UpdateWhen a pending task is editedThe user who the task is assigned toNotify me when a pending task assigned to me is modified
[iPassport] Task UpdateWhen a task is editedThe task creatorNotify me when a task I created is modified
[iPassport] Task UpdateWhen a task is editedCC users for the taskNotify me when a task I have been copied into is modified
[iPassport] Task UpdateWhen a task is editedThe user who the task is assigned toNotify me when a task assigned to me is modified
[iPassport] Task DeletionWhen a task is deletedThe task creatorNotify me when a task I created is modified
[iPassport] Task CreationWhen a task is createdCC users for the taskNotify me of new tasks I have been copied into
[iPassport] Task CreationWhen a task is createdThe user who the task is assigned toNotify me of new tasks assigned to me
[iPassport] Task CompletionWhen a task is completedCC users for the taskNotify me when a task I have been copied into is completed
[iPassport] Task CompletionWhen a task is completedThe task creatorNotify me when a task I created is completed
[iPassport] Task CompletionWhen a task is completedThe user who the task is assigned toNotify me when a task assigned to me is completed

Noncompliance emails - Noncompliance Record Management

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] New External Non Compliance ReportedWhen an external NC is createdUsers set in the OU preference ‘Distribution List to be notified of externally reported Non Compliances’
[iPassport] Assigned as Non Compliance Responsible UserWhen user is added as responsible user for a noncomplianceUser added as responsible
[iPassport] Non Compliance DownloadWhen a NC is emailedThe contact selected in the lightbox

Noncompliance emails - Noncompliance Actions

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Action DeletedWhen a non compliance action is deletedNon compliance users; Assigned for action if set; Creator of action if setReceive Notification when action is deleted
[iPassport] Action DeletedWhen a non compliance action is deletedAction creatorReceive Notification when action is deleted
[iPassport] Action updatedWhen a non compliance is updatedNon compliance action users; Creator of action; Non compliance users; Assigned for action if setReceive Notification when action is edited
[iPassport] Action reassignedWhen a non compliance action is re-assignedThe action creator
[iPassport] Action reassignedWhen a non compliance action is re-assignedUser being removed as asignee
[iPassport] Action assignedWhen a non compliance action is assignedUser added as assignee for action
[iPassport] Non Compliance Action ReminderWhen a reminder is sent from inspection prepUser added as assignee for action

Change Control emails

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Change Ownership ChangedWhen the owner of a Change Control record is setThe newly set owner
[iPassport] Change Control VerifiedWhen the change is verifiedChange Control Owner; The user who requested the change
[iPassport] Change Control ReviewedWhen the change is reviewedChange Control Owner; The user who requested the change
[iPassport] Change Control ImplementedWhen the change is implementedChange Control Owner; The user who requested the change
[iPassport] Change Control TriagedWhen the change is triagedChange Control Owner; The user who requested the change
[iPassport] Change Control CanceledWhen the change is cancelledChange Control Owner; The user who requested the change
[iPassport] New change control requestedWhen a change is createdChange Control Owner; Users added in OU Preferences as Triage users
[iPassport] New change control requested externallyWhen a change is created from external formChange Control Owner; Users added in OU Preferences as Triage users

Complaints emails 

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Complaint < complaint name >When a user sends a complaintThe users selected; The users on the distribution lists selected
[iPassport] Complaint DeletedWhen a complaint is deletedComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint is created and I am included in it
[iPassport] Complaint’s State ChangedWhen a complaint is activated/inactivatedComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint I am included in is closed, reopened, inactivated or reactivated
[iPassport] Complaint’s Status ChangedWhen the status of a complaint changesComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint I am included in gets its state changed
[iPassport] Complaint UpdatedWhen a complaint is reopenedComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint I am included in is closed, reopened, inactivated or reactivated
[iPassport] Complaint UpdatedWhen a complaint is closedComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint I am included in is closed, reopened, inactivated or reactivated
[iPassport] Complaint UpdatedWhen a complaint is updatedComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint I am included in gets updated
[iPassport] Complaint createdWhen a complaint is createdComplaint Included Users; Complaint handler if set; Complaint manager if setNotify me when a complaint is created and I am included in it

Controlled Documents emails - Controlled Document Management

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Document ExpiredWhen a document is expired    Document Owners
[iPassport] Document Set as When a document is inactivated/reactivatedDocument Owners
[iPassport] You were removed from the owners list on controlled documentWhen a user is removed as a document ownerThe user who has been removed
[iPassport] You were added as an owner to a controlled documentWhen the user is added as an owner on a documentThe user who has been added
[iPassport] Document DownloadWhen a document is emailedThe contact/users from the selected lists in the lightbox

Controlled Documents emails - Document Reviews

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] URGENT: Review due / [iPassport] Review dueDependent on preferenceUsers on Notification List / ReviewersMark < document type > as due for review this many days before review date:
[iPassport] Documents due for reviewDependent on preferenceUsers on Notification ListSend me reminders when a controlled document is due for review
[iPassport] Document due for reviewSends a reminder that this document is due for review; sent daily or weekly dependent on preference selectionDocument OwnersMark < doc type > as due for review this many days before review date:
[iPassport] Change Request CreatedWhen one or more changes are addedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Change Request CreatedWhen one or more changes are addedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] Change request updatedWhen a change request is approved / postponed / rejected / set to awaiting verification / set to verified / verification is rejectedUser who created the change request
[iPassport] Change request updatedWhen a change request is approved / postponed / rejected / set to awaiting verification / set to verified / verification is rejectedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] Change request updatedWhen a change request is approved / postponed / rejected / set to awaiting verification / set to verified / verification is rejectedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Review Task CompletedWhen a review task is completedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Review Task CompletedWhen a review task is completedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] All Review Tasks CompletedWhen review cycle is completed / all review tasks are completed, no changes requestedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] All Review Tasks CompletedWhen review cycle is completed / all review tasks are completed, no changes requestedDocument Owners
[iPassport] New Version CreatedWhen a new document version is createdDocument Owners
[iPassport] Compulsory Review CompletedWhen a compulsory review is completedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Compulsory Review CompletedWhen a compulsory review is completedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] Review Feedback UpdateWhen a change is requested; When a change is rejected; When a change is approved; When a change is verified; When the verification is rejectedDepends on the changeKeep me up to date on any review feedback I am taking part in
[iPassport] Document Notifier SummaryDependent on preference (daily / weekly)Users on Notification ListSend compulsory review updates on documents I’m set to be notified
[iPassport] Document Owner SummaryDependent on preference (daily / weekly)Document OwnersSend updates on documents that I own
[iPassport] Authorisation RequestedWhen authorisation is requestedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] Authorisation RequestedWhen authorisation is requestedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Authorisation RequestWhen authorisation is requested (including from a publishing workflow); When an authorisation request is resentUsers who have been requested to authorise the doc.
[iPassport] Authorisation Request ApprovedWhen authorisation request is approved
[iPassport] Authorisation Request RejectedWhen document authorisation is rejectedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Authorisation Request RejectedWhen document authorisation is rejectedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] Authorisation Request DeletedWhen document is reverted to draft; When authorisation request is deletedUsers who have been requested to authorise the doc.
[iPassport] Document AuthorisedWhen a document is authorisedUsers on Notification List
[iPassport] Document AuthorisedWhen a document is authorisedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Document reverted to draftWhen document is reverted to draftAny authorisers for that document.
[iPassport] Draft Version DeletedWhen a draft document is deletedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Authorisation RejectedWhen an authorisation request is rejectedThe user who requested authorisation
[iPassport] Authorisation UpdatedWhen an authorisation request is updatedUsers who have been requested to authorise the doc.
[iPassport] Authoriser Added to a documentWhen additional Authorising Signature is added to a docDocument Owners
[iPassport] Authorisation Request OverdueDependent on preferenceUsers with overdue authorisation requestsSend me reminders when authorisation request sent to me is overdue
[iPassport] Document correction performedWhen document correction is usedDocument Owners
[iPassport] Document workflow approval task createdWhen review or publishing workflows reach the ‘Approval’ stepUsers listed in ‘Approval’ step of document workflowsNotify me of new tasks assigned to me

Equipment emails

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Equipment Warranty Expiring30 days before warranty expiresThe responsible user for the equipment

Incidents emails

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Incident Assigned: < incident index > - < incident name >When incident user is addedThe user who has been added

Batch/Stock emails

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport]  Warning: Lots are about to expireDependent on preference; when lots approach expiration dateUsers in the Distribution list for warningsSend me reminders when a checked-in stock item is due to expire
[iPassport] Warning: Minimum stock count reachedDependent on preference; when lots reach a minimum thresholdUsers in the Distribution list for stock warningsSend me reminders when a reagent/material is below its minimum stock count
[iPassport] URGENT: A lot has expired / [iPassport] Warning: A lot is about to expireDependent on preference; when lots approach or reach expiration dateUsers in the Distribution list for warningsSend me reminders when a checked-in stock item is due to expire

Competency emails - Skills / Tests / Assessments

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Skill Verification SummaryPreference dependantThe user set as skill verifierRequire verification of skills from user with tasks; Skill Verification Summary Email
[iPassport] Skill Verification RequestedWhen verification is requested for one or more skillsThe users selected as verifiers
[iPassport] Competency Test ResultWhen a test is passed / failedTest candidate
[iPassport] User Passed their Competency TestWhen a user passes a testUsers and distribution lists selected in the test’s Notification Settings when a test is passed
[iPassport] User Failed a Competency Test maximum number of attemptsWhen a users fails a test the maximum number of timesDistribution lists selected in the test’s Notification Settings when a users fails the maximum number of times
[iPassport] User Failed a Competency TestWhen a user fails a testUsers and distribution lists selected in the test’s Notification Settings when a test is failed
[iPassport] Assessment ResultWhen an assessment is passed / failedAssessment candidate

Meetings emails

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] MeetingWhen an email is sent outThe meeting attendees; The contacts and distribution lists chosen
[iPassport] Meeting InvitationWhen a user is invited to a meetingThe people invited
[iPassport] Event CancellationWhen a user is removed from a meetingThe deleted user

Staff Absence emails

Email SubjectWhen SentWho ToPreference
[iPassport] Leave request -  <request status>When a holiday request is approved / rejectedUser who requested leaveNotify me when my leave requests are updated
[iPassport] Cancelled leave requestWhen leave is cancelledUsers in the distribution lists under Management Group(s) on the user’s staff profileNotify me of cancelled leave requests for staff I manage
[iPassport] Incoming leave requestWhen leave is requestedUsers in the distribution lists under Management Group(s) on the user’s staff profileNotify me of incoming leave requests for staff I manage

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